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World History Semester 1

Project #5



You will be completing a “Factbook” page that resembles Facebook for one of the historical figures listed below. You will complete the Word document by including personal information, a picture for the person that you selected and posts on their wall. Then you must use 9 of the remaining historical figures to comment on their page, be friends if you think they would have been if they lived during the same time period, etc. The comments should revolve around the issues faced during the Scientific Revolution to the Enlightenment through the American and French Revolutions to the Age of Industrialization. You should have at least 15 posts between the various historical figures. So, you will create a Factbook page for the person you selected with 9 of the other choices listed below contributing to their page. I understand that a lot of these people lived in different eras or never met but you can still have them interact with one another in regards to the historical events above.


The template is on my website at and there is an example page posted as well. Once at the website, the project tab is located toward the upper right hand side. This project is worth 50 points and must be emailed to me at CC your master teacher on the email as well. The individuals listed below tie into some of the questions on the mid-term exam. Have fun, be creative but make sure it’s school appropriate.




Fredrich Engels

Nicholas I

Benjamin Franklin

Philip II

Galileo Galilei

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

King George III

Jonathan Swift

Father Hidalgo

Otto von Bismarck

Simon Bolivar

Thomas Hobbes

Napoleon Bonaparte

Thomas Jefferson

Charles Darwin

John Locke

Baron de Montesquieu

Karl Marx

Rene Descartes

Issac Newton

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